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Gennaio, 2016


Rahwa’s story A teenager’s odyssey from Eritrea to France

Rahwa’s story 15 year old Rahwa embarked on her irregular journey to Europe in 2015. The decision to make the journey was made together with her friends, and without her parents’ knowledge.

Abdi’s unforgettable journey Yesterday is always better than today

Abdi was 17 when he embarked on his irregular journey in 2014. He felt the need to leave Somalia due to what he describes as a difficult situation—living in a war-torn area. Abdi left on his own, leaving his family behind, with an aim of getting to Europe. Despite allowing him to embark on the journey, Abdi’s family was oblivious of the dangers associated with it.

Selam’s journey from Sudan to France What she witnessed in Libya

Selam’s story 18 year old Selam started her irregular journey in 2015 after having lived in Sudan for five years. She had left Eritrea in 2010 to move to Khartoum, Sudan, where she was living with her mother and siblings.

Anno giudiziario: «Stop al reato di immigrazione clandestina»

Giovanni Canzio, primo presidente della Suprema Corte: «Inutile e inefficace, sostituire il reato con un illecito amministrativo» . «Necessario percorso di autoriforma ma no a modifiche normative troppo frequenti». E sulla prescrizione: «Legislatore intervenga»

2 attentati dell’Is a Mogadiscio ed è strage

Shukri Said – Blog Primavera Africana – Giovedì sera alle 20,00 ora locale, due commando di Al Shabab hanno compiuto altrettanti attacchi terroristici simultanei.

L’Europa divisa sull’Immigrazione. Tornano chiusure e limiti – Immigrazione. Bruxelles e Berlino rafforzano il pressing su Roma per sbloccare l’accordo sul finanziamento di tre miliardi alla Turchia per gestire l’emergenza profughi. Intanto sulla rotta balcanica tornano le chiusure di diverse frontiere, mentre i migranti in cammino sono provati dalle temperature in picchiata.